
With all that in mind, we can introduce macro_rules! itself. As noted previously, macro_rules! is itself a syntax extension, meaning it is technically not part of the Rust syntax. It uses the following form:

macro_rules! $name {
    $rule0 ;
    $rule1 ;
    // …
    $ruleN ;

There must be at least one rule, and you can omit the semicolon after the last rule.

Each "rule" looks like so:

    ($pattern) => {$expansion}

Actually, the parens and braces can be any kind of group, but parens around the pattern and braces around the expansion are somewhat conventional.

If you are wondering, the macro_rules! invocation expands to... nothing. At least, nothing that appears in the AST; rather, it manipulates compiler-internal structures to register the macro. As such, you can technically use macro_rules! in any position where an empty expansion is valid.


When a macro is invoked, the macro_rules! interpreter goes through the rules one by one, in lexical order. For each rule, it tries to match the contents of the input token tree against that rule's pattern. A pattern must match the entirety of the input to be considered a match.

If the input matches the pattern, the invocation is replaced by the expansion; otherwise, the next rule is tried. If all rules fail to match, macro expansion fails with an error.

The simplest example is of an empty pattern:

macro_rules! four {
    () => {1 + 3};

This matches if and only if the input is also empty (i.e. four!(), four![] or four!{}).

Note that the specific grouping tokens you use when you invoke the macro are not matched. That is, you can invoke the above macro as four![] and it will still match. Only the contents of the input token tree are considered.

Patterns can also contain literal token trees, which must be matched exactly. This is done by simply writing the token trees normally. For example, to match the sequence 4 fn ['spang "whammo"] @_@, you would use:

macro_rules! gibberish {
    (4 fn ['spang "whammo"] @_@) => {...};

You can use any token tree that you can write.


Patterns can also contain captures. These allow input to be matched based on some general grammar category, with the result captured to a variable which can then be substituted into the output.

Captures are written as a dollar ($) followed by an identifier, a colon (:), and finally the kind of capture, which must be one of the following:

  • item: an item, like a function, struct, module, etc.
  • block: a block (i.e. a block of statements and/or an expression, surrounded by braces)
  • stmt: a statement
  • pat: a pattern
  • expr: an expression
  • ty: a type
  • ident: an identifier
  • path: a path (e.g. foo, ::std::mem::replace, transmute::<_, int>, …)
  • meta: a meta item; the things that go inside #[...] and #![...] attributes
  • tt: a single token tree
  • lifetime: a lifetime token
  • vis: a possibly empty Visibility qualifier
  • literal: matches literal expression

For example, here is a macro which captures its input as an expression:

macro_rules! one_expression {
    ($e:expr) => {...};

These captures leverage the Rust compiler's parser, ensuring that they are always "correct". An expr capture will always capture a complete, valid expression for the version of Rust being compiled.

You can mix literal token trees and captures, within limits (explained below).

A capture $name:kind can be substituted into the expansion by writing $name. For example:

macro_rules! times_five {
    ($e:expr) => {5 * $e};

Much like macro expansion, captures are substituted as complete AST nodes. This means that no matter what sequence of tokens is captured by $e, it will be interpreted as a single, complete expression.

You can also have multiple captures in a single pattern:

macro_rules! multiply_add {
    ($a:expr, $b:expr, $c:expr) => {$a * ($b + $c)};


Patterns can contain repetitions. These allow a sequence of tokens to be matched. These have the general form $ ( ... ) sep rep.

  • $ is a literal dollar token.
  • ( ... ) is the paren-grouped pattern being repeated.
  • sep is an optional separator token. Common examples are ,, and ;.
  • rep is the required repetition operator.

The repetition operators are:

  • * — indicates any number of repetitions.
  • + — indicates any number but at least one.
  • ? — indicates an optional fragment with zero or one occurrences.

Since ? represents at most one occurrence, it cannot be used with a separator.

Repetitions can contain any other valid pattern, including literal token trees, captures, and other repetitions.

Repetitions use the same syntax in the expansion.

For example, below is a macro which formats each element as a string. It matches zero or more comma-separated expressions and expands to an expression that constructs a vector.

macro_rules! vec_strs {
        // Start a repetition:
            // Each repeat must contain an expression...
        // ...separated by commas...
        // or more times.
    ) => {
        // Enclose the expansion in a block so that we can use
        // multiple statements.
            let mut v = Vec::new();

            // Start a repetition:
                // Each repeat will contain the following statement, with
                // $element replaced with the corresponding expression.
                v.push(format!("{}", $element));


fn main() {
    let s = vec_strs![1, "a", true, 3.14159f32];
    assert_eq!(&*s, &["1", "a", "true", "3.14159"]);